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Make Time To Ride!

Posted by Luis on 26th Mar 2014

Sometimes it seems hard to find the time to get out and ride your bike.   Last week I finally but the keyboard down at lunch and went for a lunch time ride.   As I started, the clouds came over and started dumping on me.   The thought crossed my mind to turn around but my stubborn side took over.  

Funny thing happened. The cloud passed by and with it passed my bad attitude.   I started cranking the big ring on a long straight away and really started to feel good.   Riding through that bit of rain turned out to be the best idea I had all week.  

Then to top it off,  I bumped into the Bissell Development Team out in Santa Rosa for their training camp.  Great guys that really make you feel good about the future of our sport.   They were nice enough to take a snapshot with me.   That was a real treat.   

Anyway, my point it is, sometimes the weather, work or excuses get in between you and your bike saddle.   I encourage you to try an get out for your ride.   There are some smiles awaiting you!